
Icons Tutorial

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Font Awesome 5

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Font Awesome 4

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Font Awesome Brand Icons

Brand Icons

The table below shows all Font Awesome Brand icons:

Icon Description Example
fa fa-500px Try it
fa fa-amazon Try it
fa fa-adn Try it
fa fa-android Try it
fa fa-angellist Try it
fa fa-apple Try it
fa fa-bandcamp Try it
fa fa-behance Try it
fa fa-behance-square Try it
fa fa-bitbucket Try it
fa fa-bitbucket-square Try it
fa fa-bitcoin Try it
fa fa-black-tie Try it
fa fa-bluetooth Try it
fa fa-bluetooth-b Try it
fa fa-btc Try it
fa fa-buysellads Try it
fa fa-cc-amex Try it
fa fa-cc-diners-club Try it
fa fa-cc-mastercard Try it
fa fa-cc-paypal Try it
fa fa-cc-stripe Try it
fa fa-cc-visa Try it
fa fa-chrome Try it
fa fa-codepen Try it
fa fa-codiepie Try it
fa fa-connectdevelop Try it
fa fa-contao Try it
fa fa-css3 Try it
fa fa-dashcube Try it
fa fa-delicious Try it
fa fa-deviantart Try it
fa fa-digg Try it
fa fa-dribbble Try it
fa fa-dropbox Try it
fa fa-drupal Try it
fa fa-edge Try it
fa fa-eercast Try it
fa fa-empire Try it
fa fa-envira Try it
fa fa-etsy Try it
fa fa-expeditedssl Try it
fa fa-fa Try it
fa fa-facebook Try it
fa fa-facebook-f Try it
fa fa-facebook-official Try it
fa fa-facebook-square Try it
fa fa-firefox Try it
fa fa-first-order Try it
fa fa-flickr Try it
fa fa-fonticons Try it
fa fa-font-awesome Try it
fa fa-fort-awesome Try it
fa fa-forumbee Try it
fa fa-foursquare Try it
fa fa-free-code-camp Try it
fa fa-ge Try it
fa fa-get-pocket Try it
fa fa-gg Try it
fa fa-gg-circle Try it
fa fa-git Try it
fa fa-git-square Try it
fa fa-github Try it
fa fa-github-alt Try it
fa fa-github-square Try it
fa fa-gitlab Try it
fa fa-gittip Try it
fa fa-glide Try it
fa fa-glide-g Try it
fa fa-google Try it
fa fa-google-plus Try it
fa fa-google-plus-circle Try it
fa fa-google-plus-official Try it
fa fa-google-plus-square Try it
fa fa-google-wallet Try it
fa fa-gratipay Try it
fa fa-grav Try it
fa fa-hacker-news Try it
fa fa-houzz Try it
fa fa-html5 Try it
fa fa-imdb Try it
fa fa-instagram Try it
fa fa-internet-explorer Try it
fa fa-ioxhost Try it
fa fa-joomla Try it
fa fa-jsfiddle Try it
fa fa-lastfm Try it
fa fa-lastfm-square Try it
fa fa-leanpub Try it
fa fa-linkedin Try it
fa fa-linkedin-square Try it
fa fa-linode Try it
fa fa-linux Try it
fa fa-maxcdn Try it
fa fa-meanpath Try it
fa fa-medium Try it
fa fa-meetup Try it
fa fa-mixcloud Try it
fa fa-modx Try it
fa fa-odnoklassniki Try it
fa fa-odnoklassniki-square Try it
fa fa-opencart Try it
fa fa-openid Try it
fa fa-opera Try it
fa fa-optin-monster Try it
fa fa-pagelines Try it
fa fa-paypal Try it
fa fa-pied-piper Try it
fa fa-pied-piper-alt Try it
fa fa-pinterest Try it
fa fa-pinterest-p Try it
fa fa-pinterest-square Try it
fa fa-product-hunt Try it
fa fa-qq Try it
fa fa-quora Try it
fa fa-ra Try it
fa fa-ravelry Try it
fa fa-rebel Try it
fa fa-reddit Try it
fa fa-reddit-alien Try it
fa fa-reddit-square Try it
fa fa-renren Try it
fa fa-safari Try it
fa fa-scribd Try it
fa fa-sellsy Try it
fa fa-share-alt Try it
fa fa-share-alt-square Try it
fa fa-shirtsinbulk Try it
fa fa-snapchat Try it
fa fa-snapchat-square Try it
fa fa-simplybuilt Try it
fa fa-skyatlas Try it
fa fa-skype Try it
fa fa-slack Try it
fa fa-slideshare Try it
fa fa-soundcloud Try it
fa fa-spotify Try it
fa fa-stack-exchange Try it
fa fa-stack-overflow Try it
fa fa-steam Try it
fa fa-steam-square Try it
fa fa-stumbleupon Try it
fa fa-stumbleupon-circle Try it
fa fa-superpowers Try it
fa fa-telegram Try it
fa fa-tencent-weibo Try it
fa fa-themeisle Try it
fa fa-trello Try it
fa fa-tripadvisor Try it
fa fa-tumblr Try it
fa fa-tumblr-square Try it
fa fa-twitch Try it
fa fa-twitter Try it
fa fa-twitter-square Try it
fa fa-usb Try it
fa fa-viacoin Try it
fa fa-viadeo Try it
fa fa-viadeo-square Try it
fa fa-vimeo Try it
fa fa-vimeo-square Try it
fa fa-vine Try it
fa fa-vk Try it
fa fa-wechat Try it
fa fa-weibo Try it
fa fa-weixin Try it
fa fa-whatsapp Try it
fa fa-wikipedia-w Try it
fa fa-windows Try it
fa fa-wordpress Try it
fa fa-wpbeginner Try it
fa fa-wpexplorer Try it
fa fa-wpforms Try it
fa fa-xing Try it
fa fa-xing-square Try it
fa fa-y-combinator Try it
fa fa-yahoo Try it
fa fa-yelp Try it
fa fa-yc Try it
fa fa-yoast Try it
fa fa-youtube Try it
fa fa-youtube-play Try it
fa fa-youtube-square Try it

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