
Icons Tutorial

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Font Awesome 4

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Font Awesome Web Application Icons

Web Application Icons

The table below shows all Font Awesome Web Application icons:

Icon Description Example
fa fa-address-book Try it
fa fa-address-book-o Try it
fa fa-address-card Try it
fa fa-address-card-o Try it
fa fa-adjust Try it
fa fa-american-sign-language-interpreting Try it
fa fa-anchor Try it
fa fa-archive Try it
fa fa-area-chart Try it
fa fa-arrows Try it
fa fa-arrows-h Try it
fa fa-arrows-v Try it
fa fa-asl-interpreting Try it
fa fa-assistive-listening-systems Try it
fa fa-asterisk Try it
fa fa-at Try it
fa fa-automobile Try it
fa fa-audio-description Try it
fa fa-balance-scale Try it
fa fa-ban Try it
fa fa-bank Try it
fa fa-bar-chart Try it
fa fa-bar-chart-o Try it
fa fa-barcode Try it
fa fa-bars Try it
fa fa-bath Try it
fa fa-bathtub Try it
fa fa-battery-0 Try it
fa fa-battery-1 Try it
fa fa-battery-2 Try it
fa fa-battery-3 Try it
fa fa-battery-4 Try it
fa fa-battery-empty Try it
fa fa-battery-full Try it
fa fa-battery-half Try it
fa fa-battery-quarter Try it
fa fa-battery-three-quarters Try it
fa fa-bed Try it
fa fa-beer Try it
fa fa-bell Try it
fa fa-bell-o Try it
fa fa-bell-slash Try it
fa fa-bell-slash-o Try it
fa fa-bicycle Try it
fa fa-binoculars Try it
fa fa-birthday-cake Try it
fa fa-blind Try it
fa fa-bolt Try it
fa fa-bomb Try it
fa fa-book Try it
fa fa-bookmark Try it
fa fa-bookmark-o Try it
fa fa-braille Try it
fa fa-briefcase Try it
fa fa-bug Try it
fa fa-building Try it
fa fa-building-o Try it
fa fa-bullhorn Try it
fa fa-bullseye Try it
fa fa-bus Try it
fa fa-cab Try it
fa fa-calculator Try it
fa fa-calendar Try it
fa fa-calendar-o Try it
fa fa-calendar-check-o Try it
fa fa-calendar-minus-o Try it
fa fa-calendar-plus-o Try it
fa fa-calendar-times-o Try it
fa fa-camera Try it
fa fa-camera-retro Try it
fa fa-car Try it
fa fa-caret-square-o-down Try it
fa fa-caret-square-o-left Try it
fa fa-caret-square-o-right Try it
fa fa-caret-square-o-up Try it
fa fa-cart-arrow-down Try it
fa fa-cart-plus Try it
fa fa-cc Try it
fa fa-certificate Try it
fa fa-check Try it
fa fa-check-circle Try it
fa fa-check-circle-o Try it
fa fa-check-square Try it
fa fa-check-square-o Try it
fa fa-child Try it
fa fa-circle Try it
fa fa-circle-o Try it
fa fa-circle-o-notch Try it
fa fa-circle-thin Try it
fa fa-clock-o Try it
fa fa-clone Try it
fa fa-close Try it
fa fa-cloud Try it
fa fa-cloud-download Try it
fa fa-cloud-upload Try it
fa fa-code Try it
fa fa-code-fork Try it
fa fa-coffee Try it
fa fa-cog Try it
fa fa-cogs Try it
fa fa-comment Try it
fa fa-comment-o Try it
fa fa-comments Try it
fa fa-comments-o Try it
fa fa-commenting Try it
fa fa-commenting-o Try it
fa fa-compass Try it
fa fa-copyright Try it
fa fa-credit-card Try it
fa fa-credit-card-alt Try it
fa fa-creative-commons Try it
fa fa-crop Try it
fa fa-crosshairs Try it
fa fa-cube Try it
fa fa-cubes Try it
fa fa-cutlery Try it
fa fa-dashboard Try it
fa fa-database Try it
fa fa-deaf Try it
fa fa-deafness Try it
fa fa-desktop Try it
fa fa-diamond Try it
fa fa-dot-circle-o Try it
fa fa-download Try it
fa fa-drivers-license Try it
fa fa-drivers-license-o Try it
fa fa-edit Try it
fa fa-ellipsis-h Try it
fa fa-ellipsis-v Try it
fa fa-envelope Try it
fa fa-envelope-o Try it
fa fa-envelope-open Try it
fa fa-envelope-open-o Try it
fa fa-envelope-square Try it
fa fa-eraser Try it
fa fa-exchange Try it
fa fa-exclamation Try it
fa fa-exclamation-circle Try it
fa fa-exclamation-triangle Try it
fa fa-external-link Try it
fa fa-external-link-square Try it
fa fa-eye Try it
fa fa-eye-slash Try it
fa fa-eyedropper Try it
fa fa-fax Try it
fa fa-female Try it
fa fa-fighter-jet Try it
fa fa-file-archive-o Try it
fa fa-file-audio-o Try it
fa fa-file-code-o Try it
fa fa-file-excel-o Try it
fa fa-file-image-o Try it
fa fa-file-movie-o Try it
fa fa-file-pdf-o Try it
fa fa-file-photo-o Try it
fa fa-file-picture-o Try it
fa fa-file-powerpoint-o Try it
fa fa-file-sound-o Try it
fa fa-file-video-o Try it
fa fa-file-word-o Try it
fa fa-file-zip-o Try it
fa fa-film Try it
fa fa-filter Try it
fa fa-fire Try it
fa fa-fire-extinguisher Try it
fa fa-flag Try it
fa fa-flag-checkered Try it
fa fa-flag-o Try it
fa fa-flash Try it
fa fa-flask Try it
fa fa-folder Try it
fa fa-folder-o Try it
fa fa-folder-open Try it
fa fa-folder-open-o Try it
fa fa-frown-o Try it
fa fa-futbol-o Try it
fa fa-gamepad Try it
fa fa-gavel Try it
fa fa-gear Try it
fa fa-gears Try it
fa fa-genderless Try it
fa fa-gift Try it
fa fa-glass Try it
fa fa-globe Try it
fa fa-graduation-cap Try it
fa fa-group Try it
fa fa-hard-of-hearing Try it
fa fa-hdd-o Try it
fa fa-handshake-o Try it
fa fa-hashtag Try it
fa fa-headphones Try it
fa fa-heart Try it
fa fa-heart-o Try it
fa fa-heartbeat Try it
fa fa-history Try it
fa fa-home Try it
fa fa-hotel Try it
fa fa-hourglass Try it
fa fa-hourglass-1 Try it
fa fa-hourglass-2 Try it
fa fa-hourglass-3 Try it
fa fa-hourglass-end Try it
fa fa-hourglass-half Try it
fa fa-hourglass-o Try it
fa fa-hourglass-start Try it
fa fa-i-cursor Try it
fa fa-id-badge Try it
fa fa-id-card Try it
fa fa-id-card-o Try it
fa fa-image Try it
fa fa-inbox Try it
fa fa-industry Try it
fa fa-info Try it
fa fa-info-circle Try it
fa fa-institution Try it
fa fa-key Try it
fa fa-keyboard-o Try it
fa fa-language Try it
fa fa-laptop Try it
fa fa-leaf Try it
fa fa-legal Try it
fa fa-lemon-o Try it
fa fa-level-down Try it
fa fa-level-up Try it
fa fa-life-bouy Try it
fa fa-life-buoy Try it
fa fa-life-ring Try it
fa fa-life-saver Try it
fa fa-lightbulb-o Try it
fa fa-line-chart Try it
fa fa-location-arrow Try it
fa fa-lock Try it
fa fa-low-vision Try it
fa fa-magic Try it
fa fa-magnet Try it
fa fa-mail-forward Try it
fa fa-mail-reply Try it
fa fa-mail-reply-all Try it
fa fa-male Try it
fa fa-map Try it
fa fa-map-o Try it
fa fa-map-pin Try it
fa fa-map-signs Try it
fa fa-map-marker Try it
fa fa-meh-o Try it
fa fa-microchip Try it
fa fa-microphone Try it
fa fa-microphone-slash Try it
fa fa-minus Try it
fa fa-minus-circle Try it
fa fa-minus-square Try it
fa fa-minus-square-o Try it
fa fa-mobile Try it
fa fa-mobile-phone Try it
fa fa-money Try it
fa fa-moon-o Try it
fa fa-mortar-board Try it
fa fa-motorcycle Try it
fa fa-mouse-pointer Try it
fa fa-music Try it
fa fa-navicon Try it
fa fa-newspaper-o Try it
fa fa-object-group Try it
fa fa-object-ungroup Try it
fa fa-paint-brush Try it
fa fa-paper-plane Try it
fa fa-paper-plane-o Try it
fa fa-paw Try it
fa fa-pencil Try it
fa fa-pencil-square Try it
fa fa-pencil-square-o Try it
fa fa-percent Try it
fa fa-phone Try it
fa fa-phone-square Try it
fa fa-photo Try it
fa fa-picture-o Try it
fa fa-pie-chart Try it
fa fa-plane Try it
fa fa-plug Try it
fa fa-plus Try it
fa fa-plus-circle Try it
fa fa-plus-square Try it
fa fa-plus-square-o Try it
fa fa-podcast Try it
fa fa-power-off Try it
fa fa-print Try it
fa fa-puzzle-piece Try it
fa fa-qrcode Try it
fa fa-question Try it
fa fa-question-circle Try it
fa fa-question-circle-o Try it
fa fa-quote-left Try it
fa fa-quote-right Try it
fa fa-random Try it
fa fa-recycle Try it
fa fa-refresh Try it
fa fa-registered Try it
fa fa-remove Try it
fa fa-reorder Try it
fa fa-reply Try it
fa fa-reply-all Try it
fa fa-retweet Try it
fa fa-road Try it
fa fa-rocket Try it
fa fa-rss Try it
fa fa-rss-square Try it
fa fa-s15 Try it
fa fa-search Try it
fa fa-search-minus Try it
fa fa-search-plus Try it
fa fa-send Try it
fa fa-send-o Try it
fa fa-server Try it
fa fa-share Try it
fa fa-share-alt Try it
fa fa-share-alt-square Try it
fa fa-share-square Try it
fa fa-share-square-o Try it
fa fa-shield Try it
fa fa-ship Try it
fa fa-shopping-bag Try it
fa fa-shopping-basket Try it
fa fa-shopping-cart Try it
fa fa-shower Try it
fa fa-sign-in Try it
fa fa-sign-out Try it
fa fa-sign-language Try it
fa fa-signal Try it
fa fa-signing Try it
fa fa-sitemap Try it
fa fa-sliders Try it
fa fa-smile-o Try it
fa fa-snowflake-o Try it
fa fa-soccer-ball-o Try it
fa fa-sort Try it
fa fa-sort-alpha-asc Try it
fa fa-sort-alpha-desc Try it
fa fa-sort-amount-asc Try it
fa fa-sort-amount-desc Try it
fa fa-sort-asc Try it
fa fa-sort-desc Try it
fa fa-sort-down Try it
fa fa-sort-numeric-asc Try it
fa fa-sort-numeric-desc Try it
fa fa-sort-up Try it
fa fa-space-shuttle Try it
fa fa-spinner Try it
fa fa-spoon Try it
fa fa-square Try it
fa fa-square-o Try it
fa fa-star Try it
fa fa-star-half Try it
fa fa-star-half-empty Try it
fa fa-star-half-full Try it
fa fa-star-half-o Try it
fa fa-star-o Try it
fa fa-sticky-note Try it
fa fa-sticky-note-o Try it
fa fa-street-view Try it
fa fa-suitcase Try it
fa fa-sun-o Try it
fa fa-support Try it
fa fa-tablet Try it
fa fa-tachometer Try it
fa fa-tag Try it
fa fa-tags Try it
fa fa-tasks Try it
fa fa-taxi Try it
fa fa-television Try it
fa fa-terminal Try it
fa fa-thermometer Try it
fa fa-thermometer-0 Try it
fa fa-thermometer-1 Try it
fa fa-thermometer-2 Try it
fa fa-thermometer-3 Try it
fa fa-thermometer-4 Try it
fa fa-thermometer-empty Try it
fa fa-thermometer-full Try it
fa fa-thermometer-half Try it
fa fa-thermometer-quarter Try it
fa fa-thermometer-three-quarters Try it
fa fa-thumb-tack Try it
fa fa-thumbs-down Try it
fa fa-thumbs-o-up Try it
fa fa-thumbs-up Try it
fa fa-ticket Try it
fa fa-times Try it
fa fa-times-circle Try it
fa fa-times-circle-o Try it
fa fa-times-rectangle Try it
fa fa-times-rectangle-o Try it
fa fa-tint Try it
fa fa-toggle-down Try it
fa fa-toggle-left Try it
fa fa-toggle-right Try it
fa fa-toggle-up Try it
fa fa-toggle-off Try it
fa fa-toggle-on Try it
fa fa-trademark Try it
fa fa-trash Try it
fa fa-trash-o Try it
fa fa-tree Try it
fa fa-trophy Try it
fa fa-truck Try it
fa fa-tty Try it
fa fa-tv Try it
fa fa-umbrella Try it
fa fa-universal-access Try it
fa fa-university Try it
fa fa-unlock Try it
fa fa-unlock-alt Try it
fa fa-unsorted Try it
fa fa-upload Try it
fa fa-user Try it
fa fa-user-circle Try it
fa fa-user-circle-o Try it
fa fa-user-o Try it
fa fa-user-plus Try it
fa fa-user-secret Try it
fa fa-user-times Try it
fa fa-users Try it
fa fa-vcard Try it
fa fa-vcard-o Try it
fa fa-video-camera Try it
fa fa-volume-control-phone Try it
fa fa-volume-down Try it
fa fa-volume-off Try it
fa fa-volume-up Try it
fa fa-warning Try it
fa fa-wheelchair Try it
fa fa-wheelchair-alt Try it
fa fa-window-close Try it
fa fa-window-close-o Try it
fa fa-window-maximize Try it
fa fa-window-minimize Try it
fa fa-window-restore Try it
fa fa-wifi Try it
fa fa-wrench Try it

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